Annual Report 2024
This report covers the academic year September 2023 - August 2024.
We respond to all reports within 5 working days.
We have created an institution wide working group who oversee all our work on responding to report of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct.
We take active steps to prevent unacceptable behaviours from taking place and you can see these on our campaign pages.
Data insights
Total number of reports compared to previous time period
We ran big campaigns in September and May to promote the site and the data for 23/24 shows this in those months having the highest number of reports.
Number and % of anonymous v named reports for the period
Anonymous | 136 |
Named | 102 |
We are currently receiving more anonymous than named reports. We are taking actions in increase trust and understanding of the support and resolution options available if someone provides us with their name or other contact information.
Who is reporting?
Below are a list of charts you could include. Add a title or caption for each.
Relationship to organisation
A student | 183 |
A visitor | 4 |
Prefer not to say | 3 |
Staff | 48 |
Students are using Report + Support more actively than staff.
Prefer not to say | 40 |
School of Biology | 33 |
School of Chemical Engineering | 16 |
School of Chemistry | 17 |
School of Computing | 10 |
School of English Literature | 22 |
School of Fine Arts | 20 |
School of History | 18 |
School of Linguistics | 8 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | 34 |
School of Physics | 20 |
Reporting numbers in most departments correlate with the department size with Mechanical Engineering and Biology being the two largest departments. A lot of people said they would prefer not to say which department they were from, most of these were anonymous reports which indicates that we need to increase trust and confidence in the reporting process.
Incident types
Please note that people can select more than one option for incident type so the number won't equal the same as the number of total report received
Number of reports received per incident type
A hate crime | 17 |
An assault | 5 |
Bullying | 45 |
General concern | 7 |
Harassment | 35 |
Other | 10 |
Sexual misconduct | 15 |
Bullying is the main incident type reported by both staff and students. Bullying and Harassment are more often than not reported together. People are often prepared to call something bullying when it may also be another form of unacceptable behaviour.
Reasons for reporting anonymously
Please note that people can select more than one reason
Number of each reasons for reporting anonymously
I don't know what to do | 2 |
I don't want to get anyone in trouble | 3 |
I don’t want to go through any formal process | 12 |
I feel embarrassed/ashamed | 24 |
I feel I don’t have enough evidence to prove anything | 2 |
I want you to have this information but I don’t want to be identified | 8 |
I'm concerned it might impact my future career/studies | 23 |
I'm worried about being called a trouble maker | 15 |
I'm worried about the repercussion for me or others | 16 |
I'm worried I won't be believed | 21 |
I've reported in the past and nothing happened | 18 |
I've told someone before but it wasn't taken seriously | 2 |
Other | 5 |
The person didn't want to tell you themselves | 3 |
Number of cases per outcomes
Closed as anonymous | 55 |
Group | 8 |
Informal action | 60 |
No further action | 34 |
None | 9 |
Referred to formal complaint/grievance or disciplinary (with support) | 40 |
Referred to HR | 26 |
Other includes reports that were duplicate or clearly spam. Reports closed as anonymous didn't have enough information to take any action. Report closed with no further action were review informally but found no action was needed from them.
Action plan
- We are working on a new campaign to promote Report + Support more widely. HR team have been speaking with staff to understand the best communication channels to share updates and raise awareness of the site.
- The policy working group is looking to align all the relevant policies in light of recent regulations announced by the Office for Students.
- All our Responders will be attending enhanced training for responding to reports and we will be recruiting more trainers.
- Student training is being rolled out as mandatory this year.